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42nd Annual Conference of the Ugnayang Pang-Aghamtao, Inc. (UGAT)
November 27 to 28, 2020
Via Zoom and Facebook Live
Host: University of San Carlos, Cebu City
Encountering Colonization and the Pandemic in the Visayas:
Local Experiences and Responses
Conference Conveners:
Zona Hildegarde S. Amper, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology, Sociology and History, USC, Cebu City
Enrique G. Oracion, Ph.D.
Silliman University, Dumaguete City
Jose Eleazar R. Bersales, Ph.D.
USC Museum, University of San Carlos, Cebu City
The COVID 19 outbreak that has affected people across social class, ethnicity, gender, and age, in different countries, occurs as we approach the 500th anniversary of Lapulapu’s victory, as well as Magellan’s success in circumnavigating the world, and the introduction of Christianity in this country. While colonization has resulted in significant socio-cultural changes on pre-colonial indigenous cultures, the pandemic has ushered in a so-called “new normal” that has also drastically changed the way people interact and transact with each other. The Ugnayang Pang-Aghamtao (UGAT), or the Anthropological Association of the Philippines, would like to scrutinize such significant events and their long-lasting effects on cultures of the Visayas.
Christianity may be considered as the most significant cultural consequence of Spanish colonization to the country. But this religion was utilized to subjugate the local population and coerce them to convert to a belief system imposed by the colonizers. Despite the victory of the locals led by Lapulapu over Magellan and his men in 1521, this group of islands now named the Philippines came under the rule not only of Spanish but also American colonizers for centuries. Encounters with the colonizers were experienced by local peoples in different places across different time periods, sometimes violently. Such historical events illustrate how cultures encounter each other through various forms, resulting in a number of challenges, consequences, and changes, on both sides.
On the other hand, the present health emergency posed by a virus that has spread like wildfire throughout the globe, has forced people to make drastic changes in their lifestyles, daily routine, livelihood, mode of education, among others. It has also highlighted political inadequacy, health care limitations, as well as economic problems. This new type of encounter in the modern technological age has forced people to adopt new ways of thinking, behaving, interacting, communicating, and acting, to ensure safety and good health. Just like colonization, the pandemic is ushering in a number of socio-cultural changes in various aspects of life.
Anthropological insights are necessary to provide a grounded analysis of our colonial past as well as the present-day challenges of a pandemic. This conference shall critically analyze the cultural implications of these significant events, highlighting experiences and local responses of peoples of the Visayas to such situations both in the past and in the present. We are now calling for abstract submissions from anthropologists, allied social scientists, development practitioners, and those from other disciplines, which focus on community and personal experiences, institutional and individual responses, situational and contextual analyses related to our colonial past as well as the present pandemic which has resulted in drastic social and cultural changes.
This is an online or virtual conference hosted by the University of San Carlos, scheduled for two days from November 27 to 28, 2020. No registration fees will be charged for presenting in, or attending this regional conference. Those interested in making a presentation may submit an abstract of not more than 250 words to on or before October 18, 2020. Notice of acceptance will be issued by email by the end of October.
For further information, please visit the website of UGAT or send a message at You may also check out UGAT’s Facebook Page for updates.
Come join us in the UGAT-Visayas Regional Conference and let your voices be heard,